Perhaps one of the most pressing problems in
Minecraft game is that on servers you can often face the unpleasant consequences of someone's activity, for example, with destroyed buildings, waterfalls from lava, a huge number of incomprehensibly arranged blocks of sand, gravel and even dynamite. It's easy to guess that it's likely that the griffers tried. But if you are a beginner, then you can ask about who are these and how to defend them? In this article, we will try to list all the main methods of grief attacks and tell you how to protect them.
Griefers in
Minecraft are players who are engaged in the destruction and hacking of servers. Most often they like to destroy all buildings that were not used by players with the help of third-party plug-ins, kill civilians, steal property. Sometimes there are more advanced villains who, instead of just simply messing around on the server, are engaged in their hacking. To do this, they learn all the subtleties of plug-ins and can go under the administrator's account or even create their own programs that cause huge lags
on the server, thereby leading them to their complete shutdown.
Unfortunately, this is not all that they are capable of. Now we will try to list you all the most famous ways:
Destruction is the most typical way. During the act of grilling, players try to gather in groups. They try to destroy all buildings that are unattended, using all sorts of ways, from simple tools to complex mechanisms that can lead to terrible consequences. Usually, after the commission of such acts from the buildings on the server, there are only ruins. The situation is even worse if the attackers have access to the
creative mode or, worse, the administrator's authority. In such cases, the server is almost impossible to restore.
Creation is the method opposite to destruction. Its difference lies in the fact that the griffin tries to construct everything that can cause negative feelings among the
jogos players. It can be all sorts of religious signs, swastikas, obscure constructions, indecent gestures, built of material that can not be broken by ordinary players, which can greatly affect the religious and social feelings of players. In addition,
Minecraft players can also build buildings that do not make the map beautiful, but only disfigure it. It can be all sorts of poles from mud, randomly spaced blocks, etc.
The misleading of the players - sometimes griffers can act alone. In such cases, an attacker tries to gain the confidence of an ordinary player who already has some experience on the server and has at least a small house. The attacker simply begins to be friends with the player, gets the opportunity to control the territory of the player and, at the moment when he exits the Minecraft game, the grief begins to steal the house and takes away all the most valuable resources. Usually, it is very difficult for the victims to prove their case, so this method of grating is very attractive for those who want to divorce a player.
Flood, spam and mate in chat - sometimes the player tries to litter the chat, creating a negative psychological atmosphere in the game. Agree that not everyone will like to chat in the chat all kinds of mats, advertising other people's servers in unending quantities. In this case, many players will leave the
juegos, and the server will begin to lose popularity. It is on this psychological factor that Griefer will play. It will be even worse if several players start doing this at once. Then playing on the server at all will become unbearable.

Blackmail - during blackmail a certain group of players gathers on the server in order to deliver an ultimatum to the administrator, which will not only put him in an uncomfortable position, but can also affect the gaming audience as a whole. Most players, learning about the fact that the server can close, will leave the server in search of a quieter game. It's clear that the administrator does not particularly want this, and then there are two outcomes: either he bans the players, or he gives the server to the attackers, which leads him to collapse. But this happens in extremely rare cases, because in this case the main factor is the naivete of the administrator and no more. If the administrator is determined and more or less familiar with the technical part of
Minecraft camera, then this method will not even pass the experienced griefers.