The iChun Util modification is an assistant program that is suitable at https://minecraftgames.co.uk/ichunutil-mod/ for Minecraft version 1.5 and later. It provides correct and stable operation of some other mods. This assistant may be needed absolutely every maincrafter, since without him many interesting and new fashion simply do not work.
It's not a secret for anyone that new, more advanced versions of Minecraft come out from time to time. The author of this mod monitors their outputs and optimizes "iChun Util" for the appearing updates, so that everything will always work as it should.
Suppose you have downloaded a new interesting mod and have already started installing it, but suddenly there was a message with the text: "Install iChun Util". It is better to follow this advice, because otherwise the modification you install will not work. To date, without the assistant "iChun Util" can not work such popular fashion as Rollercoaster Mod, Colorful Armor, Super Crafting Frame, Harry Potter Universe Mod and many others.
To work, you need the Minecraft Forge mod!
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